Botox Alternatives

Botox Information And History

Botox Information: What is botox? Botox is a substance derived from botulinum toxin A which is a neurotoxin that […]

Anti Aging Facial Skin Care

If you’re serious about anti-aging facial skin care, you owe it to yourself to investigate all the alternatives. While […]

Improve Your Skin

Botox – What Is It?

Botox is an injectable substance that is a medical grade form of the botulinum toxin A, also called botox […]

Botox – What Does It Do?

With all the hype and insanity over people getting Botox injections for everything from a sagging chin to a […]


Botox – The Rumor Mill

You knew it had to happen. Eventually the whole world would be looking at every Hollywood star and trying to figure out the one burning question in the back of their mind, “Did she or didn’t she?” or, he as the case may be. We of course are referring to the stars who have gone and gotten themselves a bit of Botox injected into their faces. While none of the rumors can be confirmed, except by the few stars who have actually admitted to having Botox injections, […]

The Dangers Of Botox Skin Care

Botox is among the foremost skin care and skin alteration procedures available today, with an unparalleled ability to “remove” wrinkles and make the skin look younger and wrinkle-free. The treatment is effective but temporary, such that plastic surgeon’s offices regularly get repeat customers for new injections of the compound. However, as popular as it is, botox is not always the safest choice for the type of skin care and beauty maintenance that it does. The name alone, botox, is an implication of the true nature of the […]

Headaches And Botox Injections

Most people are unaware that the use of Botox for the prevention of migraine headaches came about purely by accident. It all happened through the use of Botox by plastic surgeons. Patients undergoing plastic surgery, who were also experiencing headaches, noticed that their injections of Botox helped with their migraine headaches. Botox, also known as botulinum toxin, is a neurotoxin (a toxin that attacks nerve cells). It was originally approved by the FDA for use in conditions where hyperactivity of muscles was an underlying problem of related […]

Are Botox Treatments A Miracle For Wrinkles Or A Toxic Scare?

A quick online search for the term Botox will reveal that there are as many people searching for Botox as there people searching for Botox alternatives. Botox was approved by the FDA in 2002 as a cosmetic procedure to get rid of wrinkles. A simple needle injection was demonstrated to miraculously eliminate nagging lines and wrinkles and the boom was on….until people started to read about what “tox” in Botox really was. Botox is the trade name used for Botulinum Toxin Type A. Yes, I said toxin […]