Category Archives: Improve Your Skin

Botox – What Is It?

Botox is an injectable substance that is a medical grade form of the botulinum toxin A, also called botox botulism. It is a medical protein that is injected into the muscles of the face to minimize the appearance of furrows and lines. Although the words botox and botox botulism sound frightening there is really nothing to worry about. The fact is that nobody has been harmed by botox or even had an allergic reaction to it. A lethal injection would consist of 2,500 – 3,000 units! Cerebal […]

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Botox – What Does It Do?

With all the hype and insanity over people getting Botox injections for everything from a sagging chin to a droopy eyelid, one has to wonder just what it is that Botox does and how exactly does it work? To understand exactly what Botox is and what it does, we first have to look at just how this amazing miracle of modern science came to be. Botulinum toxins, which are what Botox basically comes from, were first researched back in the good old 60s during the hippie era. […]

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All There is to Know About Botox Injections

In general, Botox is the brand name for a botulin toxin type A, of which there are subtypes. The type B variety (BTX-B) is known as Neurobloc in the E.U. or Myobloc in the U.S.A. Both are employed in medical and/or therapeutic purposes. Botox itself is more popularly known for it’s non-surgical cosmetic function. It is also known as Vistabel in the E.U. and Dysport. In the 1950s, although experimented with much earlier, very small injections of botulin toxin type A (BTX-A) were used to decrease overactive […]

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